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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us.

This Website is managed by Carrot and all provisions governing your use of this website (including any services provided through it) are described herein. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is part of a binding agreement between you and Carrot. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, as it describes what information we may gather from you, and how we may use and disclose that information. By accessing this website and/or by providing any information, including but not limited to any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), you expressly consent to the information handling practices described in this Privacy Policy.   

Effective date: August 22, 2024

The Information Carrot Collects:

  1. User-Provided Information: You may provide to Carrot what is referenced as PII or "Personally Identifiable Information” (such as your name, email address, home/work/mobile telephone number, postal mailing address, etc.) while using this Website, such as when you register to seek additional information or to request a meeting or call or session with Carrot.

  1. "Cookies" Information: When you use this Website, we may send one or more cookies – small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters – to your computer. Carrot may use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie disappears after you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to this Website. Persistent cookies can be removed. Please review your web browser "Help" file to learn about the proper way to modify your cookie settings. Please note that if you delete or choose not to accept cookies from this Website, you may not be able to utilize the features of this Website to their fullest potential. In accordance with our principles, Carrot honors “Do Not Track” requests and has limited the cookies it deploys.

  1. "Flash Cookies" Information: Flash and other browser plugin applications use technology similar to cookies to enable the storage and recall of settings, preferences and usage data, and other information. Because they are stored in separate software applications, these types of cookies are not managed through your web browser's cookie management interface. Carrot may employ such techniques, including Adobe Flash Cookies (also called "Local Shared Objects") to track information related to your interaction with features of this Website through which Flash-based content is provided. You can access various Flash Cookie management tools and configure certain privacy and security settings for your Flash Player from Adobe's web site directly.

  1. "Automatically Collected" Information: When you use this Website or open one of our HTML emails, we may automatically record certain information from your web browser by using different types of technology, including "clear gifs" or "web beacons." This "Automatically Collected" information may include Internet Protocol address ("IP Address") or other device address or ID, web browser and/or device type, the web pages or sites that you visit just before or just after this Website, the pages you view on this Website, and the dates and times that you visit this Website.

  1. Linked Website Information: When you link an account you may have on a third-party service (such as any third-party social networking site) to your Account on this Website, Carrot may store the access credentials you provide and will have access to and may collect any information you may have stored in connection with that account that you have configured and those services to make available, including personally identifiable information and friends lists. By linking your accounts in this manner, you are authorizing Carrot as your agent to access and use your account on the third-party service in connection with your use of this Website.

  1. Third Party Web Beacons: We may also implement third party content on this Website that uses "clear gifs," "web beacons," or other similar techniques, which allow the third-party content provider to read and write cookies (including Flash Cookies) to your browser, or implement similar tracking mechanisms, in connection with your viewing of that third party content displayed on this Website. This information is collected directly by the third party, and Carrot does not participate in that data transmission. Information collected by third parties in this manner is subject to that third party's own data collection, use, and disclosure policies.

  1. Information from Other Sources: We may also obtain information, including personally identifiable information, from third parties and sources other than this Website, such as other Users who import your email address. We may also receive information from third party services that provide a mechanism to expose information you have provided to such third party through the use of an application program interface (API), such as Facebook Connect and the Google API. If we combine or associate information from other sources with personally identifiable information that we collect through this Website, we will treat the combined information as personally identifiable information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The Way Carrot Uses Information

  1. Carrot uses the information that you provide or that we collect to operate, maintain, enhance, and provide all of the features and services found on this Website. We will use your email address to contact you with respect to your interest in our services. 
  2. Carrot uses all of the information that you provide or that we collect to understand and analyze the usage trends and preferences of our Users, to improve the way this Website works and looks, and to create new features and functionality.
  3. Carrot may use "Automatically Collected" information and "cookies" information to: (a) personalize our services, such as remembering your information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit this Website; (b) provide customized third party content and information; (c) monitor and analyze the operation and effectiveness of this Website and related activities; (d) monitor aggregate site usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages viewed; and, (e) track your status as you may seek to engage Carrot for our services. 
  4. Carrot may use your email address or other personally identifiable information to send you: i) messages about this Website or communications from other Users; ii) messages related to this Website and the activities of third parties with whom we work; and, iii) messages on behalf of other Users, who think that you may be interested in this Website. You will have the ability to opt-out of receiving any such communications, either through links provided in the messages, or by updating your Account settings through this Website.

When Carrot Discloses Information

We are not in the business of selling your information. We do, however, disclose your personally identifiable information in a variety of circumstances in connection with developing and maintaining this Website and operating or supporting Competitions. For example:

  1. By its nature, this Website enables Users to communicate in a variety of ways. This also applies to information you choose to make available through features that connect to third party services, if applicable. Once you make your personally identifiable information available, it may be collected and used by the recipients without restriction. We urge Users to exercise common sense, prudence and good judgment about what personal information to make available to others through this Website.
  2. Carrot may disclose your PII to enable your use of this Website. 
  3. Carrot works with third party service providers to provide general website hosting, specialized Content hosting (e.g., the hosting of video Content), maintenance, and other services. These third parties may have access to or process your personally identifiable information as a result of performing the services they were engaged to perform.
  4. Carrot may also disclose your information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary or useful to comply with applicable laws, to respond to a court order, judicial or other government subpoena or warrant, or to otherwise assist or cooperate with law enforcement activity or other similar activities in connection with internal or coordinated fraud detection and prevention, and the protection or enforcement of third-party rights.
  5. Carrot works to promote a safe and reliable service for all Users. We reserve the right to disclose your information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to take precautions against liability; to protect Carrot and others from fraudulent, abusive, predatory, or unlawful uses or activity; to investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; to protect the security or integrity of this Website; or to protect or vindicate the rights, property, or personal safety of Carrot, our Users, or others.

Your Choices

You may, of course, decline to share certain personally identifiable information with Carrot, in which case Carrot may not be able to provide to you some of the features and functionality found on this Website, including but not limited to your entry in this competition. Please note that we may retain all information you submit for a variety of purposes, including backups and archiving, prevention of fraud and abuse, and analytics.

To protect your privacy and security, we take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you account access or making corrections to your information. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE SECRECY OF YOUR UNIQUE PASSWORD AND ACCOUNT INFORMATION AT ALL TIMES.

We may now or in the future make certain tools and features for configuring your privacy settings available to you through this Website, but any such features and settings we may provide do not guarantee the anonymity or confidentiality of any information, including personally identifiable information and Postings you provide or submit to this Website.

Data Rights


  • You may have the right to exercise your data protection rights, including to request that Carrot deletes, amends, restricts the use of or provides you access to your information.
  • You have the right to opt out of receiving Carrot's promotional messages, but you may still receive other necessary communications.
  • You can complain to your local data protection authority about the use of your information.
  • We respond to all requests that we receive from individuals who wish to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws. You can contact us by sending us an email.

Rights that you may have, depending on the country in which you live, include:

  • Accessing, correcting, updating, or requesting the removal of your information.
  • Objecting to processing of your information, asking us to restrict processing of your information, or requesting the portability of your information.
  • Opting out from receiving marketing communications that we send you at any time. You can exercise this right by selecting the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing emails we send you.
  • Withdrawing your consent at any time if we have collected and processed your information with your consent. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing that we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent. Should you wish to exercise your right to withdraw consent, Carrot will utilize data scrambling to deliberately distort, obfuscate or remove sensitive or confidential data from our system. This process is irreversible so that the original data cannot be derived from the scrambled data.
  • Complaining to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your information.

For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. Contact details for data protection authorities in the European Union are available here.

Note that Carrot is a controller of your information. Other organizations, such as Competition Sponsors, may also act as controllers of your information. You should contact the Competition Sponsor if you have any questions about how they use information that you have provided to them.

California and Virginia Policy

The information provided below should be viewed in conjunction with that provided above. This Policy reflects our compliance with applicable California and Virginia laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act) and the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act.  

The following table sets forth the categories of personal information we may collect, the source of that personal information, and how we have used and shared such personal information.

Uplift San Diego youth communities

Prebys Sparx will award $1.1 million to nonprofit organizations that employ arts, culture, and/or nature to promote behavioral and mental well-being for San Diego youth.