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Learn more about Prebys Sparx

A growing number of healthcare providers, researchers, and community advocates recognize the importance of not only treating illness but also promoting mental and behavioral well-being through non-clinical experiences in the arts, culture, and nature. Prebys Foundation aims to improve behavioral health and well-being through access to arts, culture, and nature.

Recent data supports outdoors as medicine: 

  • People living near parks and “green spaces” have less mental distress.
  • There is compelling evidence that time spent in nature can improve the attention capacity of people with attention deficit (and related) disorders. 
  • Being outdoors (local beaches and parks, and other natural and recreational areas) can also make us happier and healthier.  

​ And this data shows arts are a pathway to: 

  • Decrease social isolation, forge new friendships, cultivate a sense of belonging and group cohesion, and improve social networks.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety by forming a healthy distraction from everyday worries.  
  • Boost self-awareness, self-esteem, and a sense of satisfaction. 
  • Improvements in quality of life.

The San Diego region is home to a vibrant arts and culture community and great outdoors that offer an abundance of opportunities for healing, inspiration, rejuvenation, and social connection. Taking advantage of these assets, Prebys Foundation launched Prebys Sparx on August 22, 2024. This challenge invites bold ideas and innovative opportunities that employ arts, culture, and/or nature to address growing mental health disparities and promote behavioral well-being among youth ages 0-25 in the San Diego region. Up to four honorable mentions will each receive $25,000 and one grand prize winner will receive $1 million.

Join Us

Prebys Sparx welcomes applications from eligible nonprofit organizations located anywhere in the U.S. and U.S. territories that serve San Diego County. Organizations must be based in San Diego County or partner with a nonprofit that is based in San Diego County to be eligible. Companies, foundations, tribal entities, universities, and others can participate as part of application teams with an eligible lead organization. Be sure to review the Rules and application requirements to learn more. You may use our readiness tool to help determine your fit and eligibility for the challenge.

“Our well-being as humans depends far more than our modern world acknowledges on the sense of agency and wonder we discover through nature, the arts and culture. Prebys Sparx is a call for innovative and bold ideas to help San Diego youth connect with these powerful community forces to promote their well-being. Given the extraordinary talent and vision that exist in San Diego County, not to mention the unparalleled natural and artistic environment here, we believe our county can help its young people discover their power and potential through tapping into the natural and creative worlds."
Grant Oliphant
CEO, Prebys Foundation


Strong applications for Prebys Sparx will focus on one or more of our solution categories (arts, culture, and/or nature) and meet the four criteria outlined in the scoring rubric: 

  • EQUITABLE. Will the solution address mental health disparities and promote behavioral well-being to meet needs of youth that are currently unmet or insufficiently treated? Are systemic barriers, lack of access, and issues of disparity in accessing arts and culture and/or nature clearly identified and addressed?
  • IMPACTFUL. Are there demonstrated results indicating the approach has improved/will improve the lives of San Diego youth? Does the proposal focus on a significant challenge the community faces in terms of addressing mental health disparities and behavioral well-being through the arts and culture and/or nature?
  • COMMUNITY-INFORMED. Does the team demonstrate an authentic understanding of the San Diego County community where the proposed solution takes place? Does the approach consider the unique characteristics of the youth community it serves?
  • FEASIBLE. Is there a sound approach with sufficient plans, resources, budget, and community buy-in to execute the solution? Does the team have the experience, capacity, skills, and relationships needed to mitigate risk and ensure sustained outcomes over time?

Be sure to review the submission requirements and scoring criteria to understand how you can submit a competitive application. We look forward to reviewing your innovative idea to improve mental and behavioral well-being among San Diego youth through arts, culture, and/or nature.

Uplift San Diego youth communities

Prebys Sparx will award $1.1 million to nonprofit organizations that employ arts, culture, and/or nature to promote behavioral and mental well-being for San Diego youth.